
Showing posts from May, 2010

How Many AI People Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb

How Many AI People Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb [the original was posted in the early 1980s by Jeff Schrager, then a PhD student at CMU] Q: How many Artificial Intelligence (AI) people does it take to change a lightbulb? A: At least 55: The problem space group (5): [ One to define the goal state, One to define the operators, One to describe the universal problem solver, One to hack the production system, One to indicate about how it is a model of human lightbulb changing behavior ], The logical formalism group (16): [ One to figure out how to describe lightbulb changing in first order logic, One to figure out how to describe lightbulb changing in second order logic, One to show the adequacy of FOL, One to show the inadequacy of FOL, One to show that lightbulb logic is non-monotonic, One to show that it isn't non-monotonic, One to show how non-monotonic logic is incorporated in FOL, One to determine the bindings for the variables, One to show the co