How Many AI People Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb

How Many AI People Does It Take To Change A Lightbulb

[the original was posted in the early 1980s by Jeff Schrager, then a PhD student at CMU]

Q: How many Artificial Intelligence (AI) people does it take to
change a lightbulb?

A: At least 55:

The problem space group (5): [

  • One to define the goal state,

  • One to define the operators,

  • One to describe the universal problem solver,

  • One to hack the production system,

  • One to indicate about how it is a model of human lightbulb changing behavior


The logical formalism group (16): [

  • One to figure out how to describe lightbulb changing in first order logic,

  • One to figure out how to describe lightbulb changing in second order logic,

  • One to show the adequacy of FOL,

  • One to show the inadequacy of FOL,

  • One to show that lightbulb logic is non-monotonic,

  • One to show that it isn't non-monotonic,

  • One to show how non-monotonic logic is incorporated in FOL,

  • One to determine the bindings for the variables,

  • One to show the completeness of the solution,

  • One to show the consistency of the solution,

  • One to show that the two just above are incoherent,

  • One to hack a theorem prover for lightbulb resolution,

  • One to suggest a parallel theory of lightbulb logic theorem proving,

  • One to show that the parallel theory isn't complete. infinitum (or absurdum, as you will). ...

  • One to indicate how it is a description of human lightbulb changing behavior,

  • One to call the electrician


The robotics group (10): [

  • One to build a vision system to recognize the dead bulb,

  • One to build a vision system to locate a new bulb,

  • One to figure out how to grasp the lightbulb without breaking it,

  • One to figure out how to make a universal joint that will permit the hand to rotate 360+ degrees,

  • One to figure out how to make the universal joint go the other way,

  • One to figure out the arm solutions that will get the arm to the socket,

  • One to organize the construction teams,

  • One to hack the planning system,

  • One to get Westinghouse to sponsor the research,

  • One to indicate about how the robot mimics human motor behavior in lightbulb changing


The knowledge engineering group (6): [

  • One to study electricians' changing lightbulbs,

  • One to arrange for the purchase of the lisp machines,

  • One to assure the customer that this is a hard problem and that great accomplishments in theory will come from his support of this effort (The same one can arrange for the fleecing.),

  • One to study related research,

  • One to indicate about how it is a description of human lightbulb changing behavior,

  • One to call the lisp hackers


The Lisp hackers (13): [

  • One to bring up the chaos net,

  • One to adjust the microcode to properly reflect the group's political beliefs,

  • One to fix the compiler,

  • One to make incompatible changes to the primitives,

  • One to provide the Coke,

  • One to rehack the Lisp editor/debugger,

  • One to rehack the window package,

  • Another to fix the compiler,

  • One to convert code to the non-upward compatible Lisp dialect,

  • Another to rehack the window package properly,

  • One to flame on BUG-LISPM,

  • Another to fix the microcode,

  • One to write the fifteen lines of code required to change the lightbulb


The Psychological group (5): [

  • One to build an apparatus which will time lightbulb changing performance,

  • One to gather and run subjects,

  • One to mathematically model the behavior,

  • One to call the expert systems group,

  • One to adjust the resulting system, so that it drops the right number of bulbs



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